A Thank You Note

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank You for the indescribable privilege of knowing You and the Father.

Thank You that You left Your majestic home in Heaven, set aside Your glory, Your equality with the Father, to be born as one of us. Amazing! You could have appeared as a fully grown man and spared Yourself the messiness of birth and childhood, but You had to be identified fully with us and tempted in all points to be our substitute.

Thank You for walking the dusty streets of Galilee.

Thank You for preaching sermons calling for repentance and faith because the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand.

Thank You for healing the sick, lame, and the blind, for they were infallible truths of who You were.

Thank You recording the these things in the New Testament for my benefit; they are words of salvation and sanctification to me.

Thank You for putting up with the wicked and perverse generation You dealt with while here on earth (that really describes us all).

Thank You for Your obedience to the Father.

Thank You, most of all, for the cross. Who am I that You should bear the infinite punishment my sins deserved in Your body during Your agony on the cross? That You counted it all joy and didn’t call for twelve legions of angels to rescue You is the demonstration of Your pure and perfect love for me. Most amazing of all is that it was all ordained by Your Father, my Father, before You ever created and started this world in motion. It pleased our Father to crush You for my sake and it could have gone down no other way!

Thank You for not leaving me an orphan.

Thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and comfort me. Thank You that I am not my own, but I have been bought with a price – Your priceless sacrifice.

Thank You that this life I now live, I live in You.

Thank You it is not I who live, but You who live in me. How incredible, unfathomable – what love, what mercy!

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that one day You will come back as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as lightening comes from the East You will light up the whole sky and every eye shall see You.

Thank You that You are coming back with Your saints and the dead shall rise first and we shall all be changed into Your likeness to rule and reign with You.

Thank You that You have gone to prepare a place for me and there our Father shall wipe away every tear and there will be no more sorrow or death.

Thank You that my hope is in You, the living God.

Thank You seems so inadequate – so earthly. There must be some majestic angelic word the Holy Spirit is using as He takes this prayer to You for me. But, You know the hearts of all people and if there is any gratitude in this wicked heart of mine it is because You put it there.

Thank You Lord Jesus, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Come quickly!